Practical information on training, nutrition, habits, and mindset to help you transform your body and take charge of your health and fitness for life.
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It’s not fair
The environment around you is designed to test your resolve and ability to apply your skills to overcome the obstacles between you and your goals. Accept this and you’ll win.
Lost Pet Spider - HELP!
Ignoring problems rarely leads to positive outcomes. If you saw a giant spider on your wall what wold you do? Pretend you didn’t see it or hunt it with a flip flop?
Me vs Jocko vs Goggins
We often look to the most inspiring and remarkable people in our circles to tell us how to achieve our goals, regardless of their expertise or experience…but should we?
Recovery is non-linear too
Energy is not reclaimed linearly. A good analogy for this is to imagine your phone battery.
Not every THING on the internet, is for every ONE on the internet
If you or I were to try and follow The Rock’s workout program, we’d be in deep trouble…here’s why.
If you’re doing this, you’re not growing muscle
Too many guys are wasting their time getting tired without getting bigger or stronger. Here is how to fix it.
Are you in it for a good time, or a long time?
Those only looking for fun never stay around long enough to see results. Are you training for a good time or a long time?
There will always be more work
There will always be more work to do. This mantra is a key component of the success of our clients at builtXyou. Hear how it can work for you too.
You're Boring, Jay
Training principles and nutriton science are well established and commonly understood by most. Thats why we talk about the same high impact action in our content, and why we work more on helping guys integrate what works into their lives, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. If you want to a tried, tested, and scientific plan that gets results, then keep reading…
IKEA fitness
If you’re using IKEA style instructions to assemble your health and fitness, then there is a good chance you’re going to miss a step, lose a piece, or get frustrated with the process.
We advise you do this instead…
Hardest Part ≠ Most Important Part
Showing up to the gym is often difficult, but it’s what you do when you get there that matters most.
My Epiphany
The satisfaction is in the effort, not the results. How to keep the progress you make in your health, fitness, and physique journey by making this mindset shift
The Sustainability Fallacy
There is an ideal intersection between sustainable and motivating that may be different for every guy as what is sustainable might not be motivating and vice versa.
How to stick to your training program when you’re traveling
The way we see it, when you travel for work you’ve got 3 training options…
People think you’re crazy until you win
People will tell you that you’re doing too much, that you’re overdoing it and that it’s not healthy to do X. Until you win. Then they change their tune. They say they’re proud of you, that they always knew you could do it, that you inspire them to be better and to take on their own challenges. They want to do what you’ve done.
Lessons from The Tour De France
The Tour De France Documentary on Netflix can teach us a lot about how to be successful in our own health, fitness, and physique goals. here are my top 5 lessons from the series.
How good can you be at the things you’re bad at?
Eventually however, more training will be impossible within the lifestyle constraints (if you have a job, kids, and responsibilities you will eventually run out of time for more). At which point more training effort costs more for less results. This is the point of diminishing returns, and to see any further progress you need to do this…
Is Restriction Good For Your Health?
Restriction is a tool that is used to great effect by many guys trying to improve their health, fitness, and physique. But will it work for you?
Weigh-in best practices
The scale is a useful tool to help us paint a picture of progress. That said, it is only a single tool and is only as effective if we use it correctly and consistently. That means daily and under the same circumstances. Here is what we advise…