Practical information on training, nutrition, habits, and mindset to help you transform your body and take charge of your health and fitness for life.
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The Worst Times in My Life
Today's post is a personal share about how I struggled mentally, physically, and emotionally in 3 different decades in my life and how focusing on my health and fitness brought me back from the brink.
I think you’ll identify with at least 1, if not all 3 instances.
Stack The Odds In Your Favor
Give yourself a fighting chance at health, fitness, and physique progress by having realistic expectations about how hard it actually is to lose body fat, build muscle, sustain efforts, and maintain results.
It’s not fair
The environment around you is designed to test your resolve and ability to apply your skills to overcome the obstacles between you and your goals. Accept this and you’ll win.
Lost Pet Spider - HELP!
Ignoring problems rarely leads to positive outcomes. If you saw a giant spider on your wall what wold you do? Pretend you didn’t see it or hunt it with a flip flop?
Me vs Jocko vs Goggins
We often look to the most inspiring and remarkable people in our circles to tell us how to achieve our goals, regardless of their expertise or experience…but should we?
What drinking and hangovers teach us about training
It’s better to do a little less than you think and gradually add more, than to overdo it and miss days of training opportunities because you’re so sore you can’t walk or you dread going back.
The Microwave Test
Impatiently chopping 20-40% off your efforts isn’t just unadvisable, it’s all but guaranteed to lead to frustration, stagnation, and subsequent backsliding.
Work harder AND smarter
Progress is about working harder by using high effort for a long time and smarter by working on the right things specific to your goals. It’s about working smarter AND harder.
Cats, cheese, and your fitness goals
An over reliance on either avoidance or approach goals leaves progress on the table and blunts the joy and fulfillment you can get from the process of your efforts. Align your behaviors, plans, and actions to abide by both approach and avoidance goals for double the effect.
Apps are great but…
Health and fitness apps are incredible efficiency tools. But just like AI can do some things, it can’t do everything. Like…
10 ways to improve your health today
Here are 10 things to do today (and any/every day) that have big ROI.
Should you change your plan or just manage your emotions?
Should you change your plan or just manage your emotions? Guys often fixate on the action of change rather than sticking with the plan and managing their emotional discomfort. Here is what we advise instead…
Recovery is non-linear too
Energy is not reclaimed linearly. A good analogy for this is to imagine your phone battery.
We all need encouragement
It can be easy from the outside to assume that the guys we work with at builtXyou are motivated, driven, and confident.
And yet - they’re all working with a coach to improve themselves. Very often, this comes from being deficient in those exact areas.
And the one need that is consistent for them all is…
Not every THING on the internet, is for every ONE on the internet
If you or I were to try and follow The Rock’s workout program, we’d be in deep trouble…here’s why.
If you’re doing this, you’re not growing muscle
Too many guys are wasting their time getting tired without getting bigger or stronger. Here is how to fix it.
Are you in it for a good time, or a long time?
Those only looking for fun never stay around long enough to see results. Are you training for a good time or a long time?
There will always be more work
There will always be more work to do. This mantra is a key component of the success of our clients at builtXyou. Hear how it can work for you too.
You're Boring, Jay
Training principles and nutriton science are well established and commonly understood by most. Thats why we talk about the same high impact action in our content, and why we work more on helping guys integrate what works into their lives, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. If you want to a tried, tested, and scientific plan that gets results, then keep reading…