The 10/80/10 Rule
In general, I find that a good rule of thumb is to expect and accept that..
10% of the time you’re going to feel like Superman.
10% of the time you’re going to feel like Superman with kryptonite up his arse.
80% of the time you’re going to feel like regular ol’ Clark Kent.
Appreciate that most of the time you’re going to feel some variation of OK. And that’s OK.
Most power, worst disguise. 🤷♂️
A common roadblock guys meet in their training and nutrition efforts is that they don't feel overly excited, enthused, or inspired to train hard, eat a salad, and go to bed before 11pm. Thsts ok. None of these things are that exciting - and so expecting that you’re going to feel amped up before every training session, amazon after every nutritious meal, and invigorated with every early night are mismatched expectations. And mismatched expectations are dream killers.
It’s not about lowering your standards. Fart from it. It’s about setting clear, simple, and pragmatic expectations about what’s possible, and then raising the standards of consistency needed to take actions that align with these expectations minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day.
The average age of builtXyou guys is 42.
At 42, the time where you could spend 2 hours in the gym 5 days per week, eat what you want, drink most nights and never get a hangover, and sleep 5 hours per night and somehow still make progress in your health, fitness, and physique are very likely long gone.
Ignoring this reality leads to creating plans that don’t match your circumstances and as such, they fail. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can still make incredible progress at 42 (and beyond) IF you have realistic expectations and a plan that matches your circumstances today, not 20 years ago.
Appreciate that you won’t always feel awesome, and you won’t always feel terrible, for the most part, you’ll feel ok and it’s important you’re ok with that if you want to be successful.
The 16 week builtXyou Transformation Program is systematically built to accommodate the times when we expect guys to feel great, just ok, and when they might struggle. We set out clear expectations for each of our members at builtXyou and take the time to establish accurate goals and what actions it will take to achieve them. No false promises, no rah rah motivational speeches, and no unrealistic expectations.
We simply guarantee that if you follow this program and system, you’ll lose up to 30lbs of body fat and gain up to 5lbs of muscle in 16 weeks or less, transforming your health, fitness, and physique so that you can live the life you want in a body you are confident in and proud of.
If you’re interested - click the button below to apply for one of our limited monthly coaching spots today.