Practical information on training, nutrition, habits, and mindset to help you transform your body and take charge of your health and fitness for life.
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Lost Pet Spider - HELP!
Ignoring problems rarely leads to positive outcomes. If you saw a giant spider on your wall what wold you do? Pretend you didn’t see it or hunt it with a flip flop?
Me vs Jocko vs Goggins
We often look to the most inspiring and remarkable people in our circles to tell us how to achieve our goals, regardless of their expertise or experience…but should we?
My Epiphany
The satisfaction is in the effort, not the results. How to keep the progress you make in your health, fitness, and physique journey by making this mindset shift
The Sustainability Fallacy
There is an ideal intersection between sustainable and motivating that may be different for every guy as what is sustainable might not be motivating and vice versa.
How good can you be at the things you’re bad at?
Eventually however, more training will be impossible within the lifestyle constraints (if you have a job, kids, and responsibilities you will eventually run out of time for more). At which point more training effort costs more for less results. This is the point of diminishing returns, and to see any further progress you need to do this…
How Important Are Effort and Discipline?
You can make progress by adding fuel or reducing friction. Most guys focus on adding more fuel until they get burned out. Here are 5 ways guys in our programs lower friction to get 2x the results with 0.5x the effort.
Is Restriction Good For Your Health?
Restriction is a tool that is used to great effect by many guys trying to improve their health, fitness, and physique. But will it work for you?
The Starbucks Drive-Thru Paradigm
Convenience is a key driver of behavior change. Looks for ways to make health and fitness more convenient and you’ll supercharge your results…here’s what Jim did
Ignorance is... Misery
Ignoring the reality of our situations protects us from the initial discomfort of recognition, but it creates long term misery by allowing misaligned actions and beliefs go unchecked. Here’s how to make the change…
Temperance Is A Virtue
Temperance is about tolerating the discomfort of delayed gratification while we continue to work hard toward our goals. This is what it takes to achieve your health, fitness, and physique goals.
The Guess Who Framework
There are no must take actions just like there are no must ask questions in the game of Guess Who. We simply need to consider the goal, whittle down our options before moving forward. Here’s how to do it.
Knowledge is cheap - so why pay for a trainer?
You likely know enough to be able to transform your health and fitness…but there is something stopping you. What does the right coach and the right program look like for you?
Thoughts become words, become actions, become your life.
How to change passive and ambiguous health and fitness thoughts and actions to work in your favor and make progress towards our goals.
Researching before you commit is a smart move
Are mismatched expectations are killing your fitness dreams?
If you want health, fitness, and physique results then you need a program that does these things well…