How Important Are Effort and Discipline?

Here is a 2 part question for you;

1a. How is a bullet propelled?

1b. If you wanted to make a bullet go farther faster, what would you do?

  • Chances are you answered

    1a. Gunpowder

    1b. Add more gun powder.

Though technically true, there is another way that tends to be less costly and gets greater ROI.


At some point, doing more reaches a point of diminishing returns. You can’t workout for longer, or harder, or faster, or heavier without taking on undue risk, be it being late for work, missing kids sports games, not being able to recover, or increasing the risk of injury. There is a ceiling to how much more “gunpowder” you can add before your barrel explodes or shell backfires.

That's where many of our guys are before they join builtXyou, trying to throw more and more gunpowder at an issue instead of reducing the friction of the bullet in the barrel.

Reducing the friction is about finding a way to do less of the detrimental stuff, rather than more of the advantageous stuff. It’s about discipline, not effort.


Effort tends to be the work it takes to do something. It’s action in a forward direction. It’s more gunpowder.

Discipline tends to show itself when we need to not do something. The discipline to close the laptop and not answer anymore emails. Not watch another episode of tv. Not eat the kids left overs. It’s less friction in the barrel.


Here are some ways our guys at builtXyou have reduced friction to make make greater progress than they could have done with adding more effort/gun powder.

  1. Scheduling workouts in their work calendar to avoid the need to try and “fit them in”.

  2. Meal prepping/batch cooking to lower the number of decisions needed to make at meal times.

  3. Eating the same breakfast each day to increase convenience and lower time constraints before work.

  4. Using a wind-down alarm to help them decompress before bed.

  5. Setting targets for daily steps, weekly workouts, and monthly body comp progress to guide and clarify daily actions.


What are some ways you can reduce friction to make progress instead of trying to add more gunpowder?


One of the most common reasons guys come to work with us at builtXyou is to get clarity and direction as to where to put their limited resources and effort.

We work with busy guys with pressurized careers and family responsibilities and build a specific and clear plan of action so that they can build a body they are proud of and confident in.

If you’re interested in the same thing, then apply below for one of our limited monthly coaching spots today.


How good can you be at the things you’re bad at?


Best time < Right time