Lost Pet Spider - HELP!

My mate just moved house. Last night he text me a picture of a spider the size of a dinner plate on his wall as he was on the verge of listing his house online for immediate resale.

5 mins later he text me again…

  • “Crisis averted…it’s gone” he said.

  • “Did you kill it?” I asked.

  • “No. It scurried off. Phew”…

  • “Erm...Mate…now there is a massive spider living rent free in your new house and you don’t know where it is…how is that PHEW!?”

No response for 15 minutes.

I can’t believe he got his close to it to take a picture!

Turns out he read my text, shit himself, grabbed a flip flop, and went hunting for the 8 legged rent dodging bastard there and then.

30 mins later he texts back.

  • “Mate! I can’t believe I was just going to repress that I’d seen that thing. I found it by the window and just gently scooped it up and kindly let it free in the garden (read - bashed it with a flip flop until I was certain).

Arachnid blood on his hands/sandal… he moved on.

I tell you this not because I’m a spider murdering enthusiast, but because ignoring problems rarely leads to positive outcomes.

Pretending something doesn’t exist doesn’t work. If you know your health is declining, your fitness is in the dumps, and you look, feel, and perform like a bloke who has no idea where the last 5-10 years went, then denying this reality only perpetuates and solidifies it.

When you see a spider - deal with it.

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It’s not fair


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