10 ways to improve your health today

Here are 10 things to do today (and any/every day) that have big ROI.

  1. 🚶‍♂️Go for a walk - if you already walk - pick up the pace a bit or add 5 mins.

  2. ⏰ Set a sleep and wake alarm - standardizing your sleep makes your waking hours more productive/better.

  3. 🍏 Eat your fruit and vegetables - add a piece to your next meal to be fuller for longer and get some good ol’ nutrients.

  4. 🚰 Drink water. 1 bottle. Down the hatch. Go.

  5. 📆 Schedule a training session for the future - ride, run, lifting, whatever. or future self will thank you for it.

  6. ☀️ Get some sun. Or if its shit weather - just get exposure to nature. It’s an instant mood booster/stress reducer.

  7. 🥕 Plan your meals. Anything is helpful (even just some instant oats on instacart). If you prepare better you’ll eat better.

  8. 😮‍💨 10 deep breaths. 5s inhale, 5s hold, 5s exhale, 5s pause. Repeat. ring your stress down in 3.5 mins.

  9. 📱 Leave your phone in the other room. Have a conversation, do a hobby, wash the dishes. Do something undistracted.

  10. 🏋️‍♂️ Workout today. Find any way to do some strenuous exercise that taxes your muscles, lungs, and/or heart.

Ok. Thanks. Bye. 👋👋👋


The 10/80/10 Rule


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