What drinking and hangovers teach us about training

What drinking and band hangovers can teach you about training

Drinking alcohol and bad hangovers are like hard training and soreness.

Hear me out…

If you don’t drink alcohol, it takes almost no drinks to get drunk, and too many leads to being messy drunk, a wicked hangover, and a vow to never drink again.

If you’re new/returning to training, it takes almost no volume to get fitter/stronger. Too much leads to debilitating soreness, and a reduced desire to do it again.

If you’re new/returning to training, remember that more isn’t better and soreness is no guarantee of progress.

It’s better to do a little less than you think and gradually add more, than to overdo it and miss days of training opportunities because you’re so sore you can’t walk or you dread going back.

1-2 sets within 2-3 reps of muscular failure spread out across 3-5 exercises with a 7-8/10 weight selection.

Commit to frequency before you increase intensity.

I talk more about this in our Muscle Growth Hierarchy Guide which you can access for free HERE.

If you’re not sure where to start with your training and nutrition efforts, and want to make sure you don’t under or overdose your efforts leading to a health and fitness hangover consisting of soreness and hunger, then we can help. We work exclusively with busy guys to build custom training and nutrition systems into your lifestyle ensuring you achieve transformative health, fitness, and physique results so that you can live the life you want in a body you are proud of and confident in.

Click below to apply for one of our limited monthly 1-on-1 coaching spots today.


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