Stack The Odds In Your Favor
Give yourself a fighting chance at long term health, fitness, and physique progress by having realistic expectations about how hard it change actually is.
I’ve zeroed in on what I believe is the root cause of most guys' health and fitness failings.
The expectation that change is, or should be, easy.
Change is difficult.
Katniss is a savage
It’s difficult to form new habits, to make different decisions, to manage hunger, to resist temptation, to adjust your schedule, to lift heavy weights, to eat more vegetables, to wake up early, to go to bed on time, to say yes to yourself and no to others, to build a resilient mindset. To let go of limiting beliefs. The list goes on.
Biologically it’s difficult too. Our body sees fat as an asset (it’s dense energy) and muscle as a drain on resources (more muscle means more energy demands).
It doesn’t want to give up the fat and it’s increasingly more difficult to build new muscle as time goes on.
Simple ≠ Easy
The system needed to build these methods into your life can absolutely be simplified, but they still cost time, energy, resources, and accumulate mental, physical, and emotional fatigue as a byproduct.
That’s going to be difficult. Not easy.
Now open almost any app on your phone and you’ll see a slew of shirtless shitfluencers selling you the “1 easy trick to hack your body and get X”.
You know it’s bollocks.
I know it’s bollocks.
We all know it’s bollocks.
The “eat whatever you want and lose fat” and “do this 1 exercise to get jacked” approach isn’t true or helpful.
A fighting chance
As a self identifying pragmatist, the guys I work with at builtXyou hear the phrase “stack the odds in your favor” frequently and consistently.
To ensure you give yourself a fighting chance at long term health, fitness, and physique progress, you need to stack the odds in your favor by doing 2 things to begin with;
Have realistic expectations.
If you expect to lose fat, build muscle, and look, feel, and perform your best long term by eating whatever you want, doing a few random workouts here and there, sleeping poorly each night, drinking alcohol haphazardly, and making few if any changes to how you approach your life as a whole then you’re in for a shock.
Apply consistent effort over time.
You need to be able to apply consistently high effort on the highest ROI tasks for a long enough time to accumulate personally significant results. Again, expectations are key - you need to give it months and years not days and weeks to see long term change.
Now I’m not saying I have all the answers. This isn’t a bait and switch ploy to slander one approach and then hawk my slimy products as THE solution.
It’s a note to highlight that if you’ve ever followed what turned out to be an overly simplistic approach to health, fitness, and physique change only to find yourself back to square 1 with less money in your pocket, more confusion in your brain, and plenty frustration in your bones, then it’s likely you need a better plan.
Unless you’re completely new here, you know by now that builtXyou pragmatically takes what we know works in health and fitness, and makes it work for you by tailoring the highest ROI program components to your goals, needs, preferences and experiences.
The proof
We’ve worked with 100s of busy guys with challenging careers and growing families to transform their health, fitness, and physique long term.
You can check out some of their results and testimonials HERE.
If you’re ready to reset your expectations and are ready to apply consistently high effort to a customized approach to your health, fitness, and physique progress, then apply for one of our limited monthly coaching spots below, today.