Not every THING on the internet, is for every ONE on the internet

The Rock’s training session works for The Rock.

But I’d likely die if I followed it. 

The pro swimmers diet (cough cough Michael Phelps eating 10,000 cals per day in his prime) isn’t appropriate for anyone but him. 

Principles are few and methods are many. 

The principles that govern fat loss are the same for me and you, but we likely eat differently. 

Same with training. 

Abide by the principles and avoid taking opinions or personal anecdotes as gospel.

To lose body fat and maintain muscle you’ll need to…

  1. Create a meaningful and manageable calorie deficit.

  2. Provide specific and progressive training stimulus.

  3. Apply consistent effort over a long enough time horizon.

These are the principles.

The methods can be varied, and though there are some that likely proivide the best match to these priciples, each person is different and has personal needs, nuanced goals, and experience informed preferences.

Focus on abiding by the principles over marrying a single approach.


builtXyou is named that because we know what works, and we are committed to making it work for you.

Meaning we work to tailor it to your goals, needs, preferences, and lifestyle demands.

We work exclusively with busy guys who want a guaranteed system to follow, and the support and accountability of an expert coach to help them transform their health, fitness, and physique so that they can live the life they want in a body they’re proud of and confident in.

We have 2 open spots for this month, if you’re ready to get started click the button below and complete the 3 minute application to see if we’re a good fit.


We all need encouragement


If you’re doing this, you’re not growing muscle