There will always be more work
This mantra that has stuck with me for years and has become a key part of our coaching systems at builtXyou
I founded and owned a brick and mortar gym for a decade.
Owning a brick and mortar business is risky.
Owning a brick and mortar service business is more risky.
Owning a brick and mortar service commodity business is very risky.
Molly and I used to nap on the turf back in the day
Owning a brick and mortar service commodity business in the before, during, and after a global pandemic in a state and city with the strictest of restrictions transcends risky and becomes more akin to entrepreneurial suicide.
During this 10 year period I worked. A LOT.
In the early years I was the trainer who ran the sessions and the classes.
My day looked like -
Wake at 4, coach 5-11am, opportunistic 11 minute exhaustion nap under the stairs, film, edit, post social media content, run facebook ads, pay bills, roll towels, coach 3-8pm, bed by 10, rinse and repeat.
That's about a 96 hour work week on the low end.
I did that for about 5 years.
In that time, we hired, trained, and made 10+ staff members, services multiple hundreds of clients, we ran payroll, we ran team retreats, we ran weekly meetings, we hired mentors, we ran marketing campaigns, we invested in real estate, we lost money, we scaled to a bigger location. We did it all.
It was literally ENDLESS work.
I would go to the gym on a Sunday afternoon just to workout on my own in the dark and have some down time.
I rarely saw my wife, I took breaks only when I was on the verge of collapse, and I thought about my own health, fitness, and physique goals about as often as I thought about unicorns.
Sound familiar?
In 2019, in the midst of looking at our calendars and trying to work out if we would have a minute to make eye contact in the coming 3-6 months, my wife said to me “there will always be more work, Weedall”.
As if being unplugged from the Matrix, I zoomed back in my chair.
I realized that there will always be more to do and that trying to do everything is an impossible task. I’ll never be done, and being done isn’t the goal.
Now this is a guiding principle of my life and my coaching.
At builtXyou, we work with guys who have endless work and who are trapped in the mindset of trying to get it all done before they take care of themselves.
I’ll be happy when…
If they could just get that promotion, just get that bonus, just hire 1 more person, just have 1 less meeting, and could just empty their inboxes for 5 minutes. Then they’d workout, eat better, sleep more, and live a life they enjoy.
the problem wit this way of thinking is that we set ourselves up to fail byt creating a system where by we can only work out when were less busy. So if there ever does come a dy when you have some free time, and when that time inevitably ends because there will always be more work, you’ll stop taking care of yourself a gain. The goal is to work out, eat well, sleep better, and look after your health, fitness, and physique goals in spite of being busy, not as the exception to the rule.
When the guys we work with have the realization that work never ends, and that the goal isn't to be done, but to enjoy what they do in good health, fitness, and with confidence, then things take shape fast.
There will always be more work. Why not take it on in a body you are confident in and proud of?
If you’re ready to make a change then apply for one of our limited monthly coaching spots today so that you can start living the life you want in a body you are proud of and confident in.