The environment around you is designed to test your resolve and ability to apply your skills to overcome the obstacles between you and your goals. Accept this and you’ll win.
We often look to the most inspiring and remarkable people in our circles to tell us how to achieve our goals, regardless of their expertise or experience…but should we?
Progress is about working harder by using high effort for a long time and smarter by working on the right things specific to your goals. It’s about working smarter AND harder.
An over reliance on either avoidance or approach goals leaves progress on the table and blunts the joy and fulfillment you can get from the process of your efforts. Align your behaviors, plans, and actions to abide by both approach and avoidance goals for double the effect.
Should you change your plan or just manage your emotions? Guys often fixate on the action of change rather than sticking with the plan and managing their emotional discomfort. Here is what we advise instead…
Energy is not reclaimed linearly. A good analogy for this is to imagine your phone battery.
It can be easy from the outside to assume that the guys we work with at builtXyou are motivated, driven, and confident.
And yet - they’re all working with a coach to improve themselves. Very often, this comes from being deficient in those exact areas.
And the one need that is consistent for them all is…
Those only looking for fun never stay around long enough to see results. Are you training for a good time or a long time?
There will always be more work to do. This mantra is a key component of the success of our clients at builtXyou. Hear how it can work for you too.
The most successful transformations I’ve ever seen have come from this shift in thinking. When you focus on the outcome, there is no certainty that you’ll enjoy the process. But if you design the process to be as enjoyable as possible, and build the actions within it, in line with the outcome you want, then you can have it all.
I don’t buy the narrative of yoyo dieting as I feel it encourages guys to avoid failure, which limits their number of tries. If you follow a way of eating, gain weight and lose weight, feel frustrated that you couldn’t maintain the loss, then it is not the diet. The diet doesn’t have any morality (mostly), it’s our interpretation of the story.
There is an ideal intersection between sustainable and motivating that may be different for every guy as what is sustainable might not be motivating and vice versa.
The way we see it, when you travel for work you’ve got 3 training options…
When it comes to training and nutrition, particularly when physique change is the goal, variety is low on the priorities list because for many reasons. Such as…
People will tell you that you’re doing too much, that you’re overdoing it and that it’s not healthy to do X. Until you win. Then they change their tune. They say they’re proud of you, that they always knew you could do it, that you inspire them to be better and to take on their own challenges. They want to do what you’ve done.
Humans tend to follow the path of least effort. By making healthy behavior the default, you stack the odds in your favor, as you are less likely to opt out of something if it is easy, even if you don’t want to do it.
The Tour De France Documentary on Netflix can teach us a lot about how to be successful in our own health, fitness, and physique goals. here are my top 5 lessons from the series.
You can make progress by adding fuel or reducing friction. Most guys focus on adding more fuel until they get burned out. Here are 5 ways guys in our programs lower friction to get 2x the results with 0.5x the effort.
Restriction is a tool that is used to great effect by many guys trying to improve their health, fitness, and physique. But will it work for you?
Food serves many competing needs and desires for us. When it comes training, nutriton, and physique results, there may be trade-offs. Here’s how we suggest you decide what choices to make in your diet.
Ignoring the reality of our situations protects us from the initial discomfort of recognition, but it creates long term misery by allowing misaligned actions and beliefs go unchecked. Here’s how to make the change…
Temperance is about tolerating the discomfort of delayed gratification while we continue to work hard toward our goals. This is what it takes to achieve your health, fitness, and physique goals.
Habits aren’t fixed and the best ones need to evolve to serve you - here’s how to do it.
Are you the kind of guy who does what he says he will? Do you trsut yourself to execute? If not, heres how to start so you can live the life you want in a body you are confident in and proud of.
The biggest lie you’ve ever been told is that health and fitness is not that simple. It isn’t easy…but it is simple. Far simpler than gurus and influencers make out. Here’s why…
How to change passive and ambiguous health and fitness thoughts and actions to work in your favor and make progress towards our goals.
Do you fall for this trap and increase your pain without increasing your reward? Make sure your sacrifices actually contribute to your goal and don’t just make things more difficult. Because difficulty is no guarantee of progress. Here’s how we do it…
Too many busy guys are wasting time program hopping, yo-yo dieting, and never getting results.
The best training program for busy men needs to be standardized and then optimized. When you follow a program that is specific, progressive, and consistent you will get incredible results.
The satisfaction is in the effort, not the results. How to keep the progress you make in your health, fitness, and physique journey by making this mindset shift