The biggest lie you’ve ever been told

It’s not that simple.

There is this great clip floating around the internet from the boxing movie “Bleed For This”. You can watch it HERE.

In it, Vinny Pazienza, notes that the biggest lie he has ever been told is that “it’s not that simple”.

Those around him tried to convince him that his goal wasn’t worth pursuing because it was too complex and too difficult, and that he should do it thier way or risk losing.

It is that simple.

I tell you this because this is often the case in health and fitness too.

The fitness industry at large works to overcomplicate things.

Guru coaches tell you that an exercise is absolutely bad for your knees and that you should follow their special knee saving plan instead.

Nutrition influencers tell you that all foods that contain a certain macronutrient are killing you and that you should only drink their proprietary blend of fortified grass fed meat smoothie instead.

From where I am standing, it is simpler than that and these people are constantly changing the WHAT so they don’t have to do the real work of helping people solve the WHY and the HOW.

The WHAT is simple, incredibly well researched, and isn’t changing.

We know WHAT to do to build a great physique, to improve our health, to develop our fitness, and to live in a body we are confident in and proud of.

More of the WHAT is not the answer.

It’s the HOW and WHY that hold the key.

But the WHY is messy and littered with deep seated fear, past failures, bad experiences, and long held insecurities.

The HOW is complex and constantly changing. A moving target of work, family, and life responsibilities that takes constant work to hit.

So the fitness industry focuses on WHAT because it’s more fun. It’s easier to do and much easier to sell.

Do this workout and don’t eat that food. Next week it’s the opposite. This isn’t a case of new information, this is a case of bias and not wanting to do the difficult stuff. It’s a lie and it’s lazy. Nobody’s got the answer.

Building a great physique, improving your health, developing your fitness, and living in a body you're confident in is simple, and it’s anything but easy.

Train specifically and progressively. Eat nutritiously and intentionally. Sleep consistently and calmly. Limit your stressors and find ways to relax…and do that forever. Work with a professional that can help you navigate and understand your why and that can guide and support you in helping you how to make it work in your life (hint hint…that’s what we do at builtXyou).

Instead of looking for different, look for ways to do what works, better.

Different is a distraction from the difficult work of our WHY and the HOW.

Dedicate yourself to better so that you can build your momentum, your progress, and your efficiency.


3 ways to overcome a plateau in your training and diet


Thoughts become words, become actions, become your life.