Practical information on training, nutrition, habits, and mindset to help you transform your body and take charge of your health and fitness for life.

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Habits Jay Weedall Habits Jay Weedall

You are already great at the thing you’re trying to fix.

People tend to rely MORE on habits during periods of high stress. Which habits however, are determined by which ones you cultivate, develop, and give your time to. If you are all but guaranteed to fall back on habits when the shit hits the fan, then it pays to spend time now developing ones that serve you.

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Nutrition Jay Weedall Nutrition Jay Weedall

The top petrol station snacks

When you need to rely on “road snacks” from the petrol station it can be easy to throw in the towel and just grab a slice of convenient garbage pizza or a rotating hot tube of gross (aka hot dog), but in reality, we don’t have to. Here are 10 great choices for petrol station food options.

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