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Mismatched expectations are killing your goals and results

If you apply high effort in general areas and you’ll get general results.

If you apply high effort in specific areas, and you’ll get more specific results.

See the video on instagram here

Many people could benefit from applying high effort in general areas. If you’re looking to get fitter this year, then applying effort in being consistent in working out, sleeping enough, and eating more nutritious foods is likely where your best results will come from. You almost definitely don’t need to hyperfocus on carbohydrate volume, 180º internal rotation of your shoulder joint, or taping your mouth shut when you sleep.

If however you are trying to improve your pitching speed of your fast ball for baseball season, then perhaps acutely focusing on your shoulder capacity is a good idea.

Let the outcome dictate the application of effort.

If you try and improve too many things at once, you’ll almost certainly end up getting ok at a few things, and not seeing the real high yield results you want in any area.

My big brothers 2023 goals;

My big brother has acute performance goals for 2023 (to climb Sa Calobra, an epic and elite cycling stage based in Mallorca in under 30 minutes which would put him in an elite cyclist category).

However, he also wants to keep his muscular physique, and almost 40 and at 190lbs, the likelihood of him being able to achieve both goals simultaneously (complete Sa Calobra in under 30 mins at 190lbs) is basically zero.

You can’t ride 2 horses with 1 arse.

In a recent conversation with him, I said the phrase you can’t ride 2 horses with 1 arse mate!

He works his arse off, but he tries to juggle too many goals and ends up with none. This is a life long frustration for him. He is fit, applies consistent effort, and is consistent, but he can’t quite tip the scales to achieve his specific goals. This leaves him with mismatched expectations and a sense of frustration and a “what’s the point” mindset.

At this point, he would be better off choosing specifically what he wants, and dedicating his resources to that goal. He can’t be general with hyper specific goals.

Where do you stand?

Chances are you see yourself in 1 of 3 camps.

  1. The specialist with general goals.

  2. The generalist with specific goals.

  3. Or the confused with no goals.

No matter which category you fall in, I can help. I spend my days helping people figure out what they actually want from their health and fitness endeavors, and work together to build a plan that matches those goals, and their values and preferences, so that they know exactly where to put their efforts.

If you are tired of spinning your wheels and getting frustrated with your results or lack thereof, then click the button below to grab a free spot on my calendar and we will figure this out together.