Fishing for fitness...wuh?

If you are just getting back into fitness after months out of the gym, or you are completely new to this then this is my advice…

Don’t start out overly specific with your efforts.

Every January we see millions launch into trying to achieve specific goals without having any general skills.

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I liken this to going reef spearfishing having never seen a fish or fishing before.

It pays to start out generally, and throw some grenades into the water to get yourself a few fish first.

As the fish get wise and swim away and you get the hang of things, you learn some new skills and narrow the scope. Maybe net fishing, where you still catch plenty of fish, but you’ve got to learn how to chuck a net accurately.

Next step might be researching bait and environments of a particular type of fish and then going after them with a rod and a hand held net. You’ll have to fish for a bit longer before you catch anything.

Finally, you’ve spent plenty of time fishing, and you want to go after that hard to reach and elusive fish. You take all you’ve learned over the weeks and months and patiently stalk your target fish.

I’m not a fishing guy (perhaps you can tell), but you get what I am saying.

In fitness, do yourself a favor and start out generally.

Throw some grenades into your exercise and nutrition first by going to the gym 3x per week or eating a salad each day at lunch,

Do this for some weeks/months and then start casting a more specific net to a specific area. You might consider a meal prep service or hire attend some HIIT/spin classes.

Once you’ve developed your technique here you can narrow down your desired outcome. Perhaps you want to focus on fat loss, or bodybuilding, or strength performance?

After applying plenty of effort in your chosen area, perhaps you finally focus your efforts into a single goal (if that’s where you want to go) like a 400lb deadlift, a first chin-up, or a particular body composition by a certain date.

Doing it incrementally like this allows you to build all the necessary and compounding skills needed to make the nuanced and specific goal a reality. Imagine trying to go from step 1, no training or nutrition experience, to a 400lb deadlift in a single step?

Yeah. I know. Disasterville, USA. Population, 1.

If you you don’t know where to go next in your health and fitness efforts but know that you want to make a change or take your progress to the next level then let’s chat.

You can book a free virtual call with me HERE, apply for my limited coaching spots HERE, read more about my services HERE, and hear what clients have to say about working with me HERE.



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