The Legs Feed the Wolves

The Legs Feed the Wolves: The Meaning Behind the Russian Proverb.

Wolves will track and hunt their prey for what would be considered an unreasonable amount of time/distance in today's world.

It is this willingness to stick to a task that makes them successful predators.

Much like the wolf, we will need to stick to our task for longer than may seem reasonable to achieve our results.

And once we’ve achieved our goal, rested and reset, we will need to hunt again to maintain or progress further.

This is a key mindset I try to help my clients appreciate and fortify.

The appreciation that, health and fitness is forever.

We are always hunting for something. Whether we are…

  • Hunting a new goal.

  • Hunting a different skill set.

  • Hunting for efficiency to maintain our progress.

  • Hunting for tolerance of discomfort.

  • Hunting for clarity in our direction.

We are always hunting for something and much like the wolf, we need to be able to stick with our efforts for what might feel like an unreasonable amount of time to achieve our goals.

Side note; Wolves also know when they’ve lost the trail of their prey. They know when they’ve been outdone by the task. When that happens, they regroup, reset, and decide where to tactically hunt the next prey.

If you aren’t sure whether to change direction or keep going on your hunt for improved health and fitness, then I’d love to help. Drop me an email HERE or book a free 15 minute virtual coffee chat with me HERE.


Fishing for fitness...wuh?


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