The power of environment design

Our environment plays a big role in our behaviors, desirable and undesirable.

I keep the chocolate in our house in the basement in a tote box or outside in boot of the car.


Because my house is so comfortable (we set it up to be that way) that if I leave the fabled Cadburys that I have been rationing for 6 months out in the pantry cupboard that I frequent 3x per day, then every time I see it, I get the signal that it’s delicious, and before I know it, it’s gone.

This is the power of convenience and visual triggers.

That same power can be retuned to our wanted behaviors.

If you wanted to keep people from walking on your lawn, you might try a series of interventions that varied in strength, like a sign, a new path, a fence, or all 3.

If you want to eat less sweets and eat more fruit you might write a reminder, make access to fruits more obvious, hide the sweets in the basement, or all 3.

This is an impactful change that pays huge dividends in your health and fitness efforts.

This is part of what I do with my personal training and nutrition coaching clients as well as the guys in the builtXyou™ Transformation Program. Though it sounds simple (it often is) it isn’t easy (it rarely is) and what part of what makes coaching valuable is the ability to work through a plan and feel confident in both implementing it and sticking to it.

Ready for the next level?

If you know you need support in taking action on the things you know would work, or just don’t know where to start taking action to take your health and fitness to the next level, then you’re in luck. I am opening up another 2 coaching spots on my roster this month. If you’ve read enough and are interested in working with me, click the button below to apply before these spots are taken.



The Legs Feed the Wolves


The first keystone habit