You can’t change what you can’t see
If you don’t have a plan, you can't make changes to it. Which means anything is possible, including all the things you don’t want to happen.
My recurring evening gCal.It might change, but I get to choose.
Life is busy and people need, want, and demand things from you. If your mentality is one of serving others first (that’s fine, I’m not here to tell anyone how to live) then it can be easy to think that putting yourself first is selfish.
I don’t think that is true. If anything, it’s selfless. You can’t serve others if you’re wrecked and less effective because of it.
We all need sleep, nourishment, physical health, rest, and support.
Please read that again. As many times as you need to.
To meet these needs so that you can better serve and support others, there are some things you need to prioritize and plan in advance.
Enough good quality sleep
Regular nourishment from food
Ongoing daily activity
Supportive relationships
Periods of rest
In my most recent Free 21 Day Challenge, the most difficult task for participants was setting an intentional schedule for sleep and rest.
They had too many things to do, too many people to support, and even too many workouts to complete. Few of these things were planned and would usually just pile up. They became a victim of their circumstances, rather than a victor of it.
The beauty of a plan is that it can change, but you can’t change it if it doesn’t exist. Any adjustments to your plan need to be intentional changes that you have a say in.
You have a calendar for all your important work calls, family birthdays, and kids school vacations so that you can prepare and be present. Why not use this same intentional structure in your own daily calendar and watch your life get better?
A challenge for you
Open your schedule/calendar now and add the following on repeat daily and with notifications/alarms. Even if they immediately aren’t realistic, you’ll have them as an intentional plan that you can change.
Meal times
Workout times
Free times
Relax times
Bed times
Wake times
This might be really difficult for some of you. If that’s you, remember that the plan can change. Or you can simply start by adding 1 or 2, following them for a bit, then come back and add some more.
You got this.