Stop majoring in the minors

Make sure you are doing the right thing for yourself before you do MORE of it.

I read a great passage from my friend Dustin Lebel earlier this week that neatly summarized where I see lots of clients lots of the time.

“Doing hard things is a learned skill and before intensity comes consistency. You need to commit to doing the right things before applying more effort. Doing the wrong things with a lot of effort is at best inefficient and at worst detrimental.”

Prioritize your priorities

It can be easy to fall down a rabbit hole when we start to unpack health and fitness. Do we…start with nutrition change? More different training? Change our program? Get more sleep? Get better a new mattress? Should I get regular massages? Maybe vegan? Do I need weightlifting shoes? Which is better pea or whey protein? How do massage guns work? I wonder if my body type is more suited to cardio or strength training (not a thing BTW).

All of a sudden what started out as “I want to look better naked” becomes a volcanic slew of potential directions. So where do you start?

Literally anywhere!

Start with 1-2 things and do them CONSISTENTLY before doing them more INTENSELY. I can’t stress this point enough.

I noted in an article a few months ago about “keeping the goal the goal” and choosing methods that “allow for consistent effort”. 2 weeks ago I mentioned that setting threshold goals allow us to gain experience in a new area before we have to rely on half-formed/weak habits.

No matter what you choose for your method of improved health and fitness, make sure you set it up in a way that allows you to stick to it, repeat it, and then add more intensity/effort as you build your skills.

If you are going full if you are feeling more Mad-hatter than Alice, reply to this email and in no time we will have 1-2 high-impact health and fitness actions up and running for you!


I only have 1 rule…


Are you productively procrastinating?