Invest in this stock and get rich!

Invest in your health to get greater returns in your performance, happiness, and life.

Guys often think that they can’t take their foot off the gas incase they fall behind. This keeps them stuck investing in the same stock over and over again. Only this stock is shrinking, and as the price per share gets lower it makes more sense to regroup and diversify their portfolio. They’d do it in business… but most guys don’t do it in the 1 area it would matter the most.

Their health.

Working hard and getting great results is admirable. It’s the foundation of the American dream, right?

Grafting hard for a living contributes to us getting us the life we want. But, you are also aware of the sunken cost fallacy. The phenomenon where a person refuses to abandon a course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.

Chances are you’ve been there before, are there now, or can see yourself being there soon.

You know that more late nights at the office, taking more sales calls, missing more family events, being late to another PTA meeting, or missing the kids hockey game, is only getting you farther away from the life you want to live, but you don’t know how to stop.

When this happens here are 3 things I want you to do;

  1. Tell someone. Tell your boss (if realistic), tell your spouse, tell your friend, whoever. Saying it out loud allows you to feel what you are thinking and makes it real. This is a form of labeling, and if we can label it, we can better define and take action on it.

  2. Make a plan. More isn’t better, better is better. Even if you can’t change from one extreme to another right now, frame out a plan where you intend on shifting the tides in your favor. Maybe it’s as simple as reading this article, or something more significant like reaching out to, and hiring the right coach (Hi! Jay! Nice to meet you). Set intentions about how you’ll make things better.

  3. Take action. Plans without actions are dreams. Take action on your plan. Whether it’s closing your laptop at 6pm so you can read with your kids. Or skipping the free donut in favor of an apple. Even taking a passive conference call whilst walking in the stairwell. No action is too little. Start moving the needle.

I know you can do this, and I know first the benefit it provides. Remember, I founded and ran a successful start-up business for 7 years (2 of them through a global pandemic) so I know how easy it is to keep pushing forward and working harder and harder because that's all you know, even when you can see the situation calls for change.

If you want to diversify your personal portfolio and start investing in your health and fitness, but don’t know where to start, then there is a good chance you are the perfect candidate for the builtXyou™ Transformation Program. Check out what other guys have said about the program, and the results they’ve achieved HERE.

If you’ve read all you need to and are ready to join, then click HERE ASAP because there are only 3 spots remaining in this cohort of applicants. Once the program is filled I won’t be opening up anymore spots for 4 months. 

Guys in this program regularly gain up to 5lbs of muscle and drop up to 20lbs of body fat in 16 weeks. If you want this and are serious about investing in yourself, then click HERE to apply.


Who is the perfect builtXyou™ candidate?


The 5 things builtXyou™ guys do to be successful