The 5 things builtXyou™ guys do to be successful

To put it plainly; family lives suffer when parents are over stressed mentally and physically by the demands of their work lives.

Missing kids games, having low energy, distracted interactions, and poor communication all stem from poor health and not prioritizing its improvement.

But you already know this. Chances are you say something like;

“this sucks, I don’t know how much longer I can do this for, this needs to change” 3-4x per week?

But you can’t change the system. All you can change is how you interact with it. Don’t get me wrong, I know how great it would be if the world we lived in better appreciated work life balance, had more reasonable growth expectations, more industries that valued employee welfare, less cut throat corporate structures, and greater support networks. But we don’t, and whilst you still want to advocate for these things, if you don’t make a shift now, you won’t last long enough to see it through.

Here are 5 things that my guys in builtXyou™ do every week that add up to about 80% of their results;

  1. Walk 10k or more steps per day. 

  2. Lift weight 4x per week 45-60 mins.

  3. Eat predominantly whole foods 19 of 21 meals per week.

  4. Eat 1g per 1lbs of bodyweight per day.

  5. Get the same 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

So simple, it seems almost too easy. But chances are you aren’t doing these things, and that’s where I come in. I help guys create time for these things, hold them accountable to doing them every damn day, and keep them on track for long enough to see the results of their efforts.

As a result, they drastically improve their fitness by gaining up to 5lbs of muscle in 16 weeks, radically improve their health by dropping up to 20lbs of body fat in 16 weeks, and developing skills that will help them navigate their lifestyle for A LIFETIME!!!

Don’t wait 4 more months to solve your problem

If this sounds like a problem you want to solve, then you’re in luck. I only have 3 spots left in this round of the builtXyou™ Transformation Program before enrollment closes on January 8, 2023. Once it’s closed, I won’t be opening up anymore spots for 4 months. Apply HERE today to reserve your spot and join a group of guys that are going to gain up to 5lbs of muscle and drop up to 20lbs of body fat in 16 weeks!


Invest in this stock and get rich!


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