1 thing starting an online business has taught me…

Since starting an online business, I have been inundated with ads, emails, and messages about “the best way to run a successful online business”.

Everyone starts by telling me why someone else’s method is wrong;

“The method that CEO A uses isn’t scalable, instead, you need to use small business framework B instead.”

“Method C is dead, you should put all your eggs in the model D basket.”

“The future is method X, if I want to get ahead, ignore model Z.”

It’s exhausting for 1 reason;

Although there may be slightly more optimal methods to use in certain circumstances, the method does not matter as much as the application of effort.

When I was a young 20 something year old trainer for example, I had people doing far less optimal workouts than I do now, and those clients still got great results because they put in consistent effort.

When you started your job, you didn’t know how to be the CEO on day 1. You applied consistent effort to your then role, and now, you’ve climbed the ladder to your senior position. Maybe you could have taken a more direct path, taken job A instead of Job B, used software X instead of Z, but you are where you are now, because of consistent effort.

Not a magic formula. Not the perfect sales model. Not a secret framework. Consistent. Effort.

“Try again”

I had a call with a guy the other day, who eventually decided to try and improve his health and fitness on his own again.

He confidently told me he was going to try method Z and that this time, it would be different. I hope for his sake it is - but it likely won’t be, unless he does something he has never done before - apply consistent effort.

In a world of special offers, magic formulas, and industry secrets, nothing will work unless you do something you’ve never done before. Apply consistent effort.

The offer

I don’t offer anything magical. I have no secret formula, no proprietary blend per se, and no optimal hacks to sell you. I have a decade of experience working with busy guys who have tried time and time again to do it on their own and come up short of their goals. I use evidence based methods, reliable and succinct software, human accountability, and I don’t let people quit.

builtXyou™ is NOT FOR YOU if you are confident you can get in better shape on your own.

If however you’ve tried enough times before, only to hit the same threshold, and you know that only consistent effort in a tried and tested system, focused coaching, candid accountability, and human support are the things that will get you the results you want - then apply to the program below.



4 reasons to have a plan


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