Not seeing changes? Remember this key thing…

  • If you leave an ice cube in a room at 30ºF, nothing will happen.

  • If you turn the temp to 31ºF, still nothing will change.

  • Tick the thermostat to 32ºF and wait for it…still nothing.

  • Nudge that dial to 33ºF however, and boom, we have movement. The ice cube will slowly start to melt.

The single degree changes from 30-33ºF had to happen. They were the same sized adjustment as the one that saw the ice cube start to melt, but looked to the naked eye like nothing was happening.

You know where this is going…

Your health and fitness is the same story. Your daily habits like taking the stairs, batch cooking some food, and skipping the next episode of The Office that you’ve already seen 1000 times before in favor of more sleep, might not feel like they’re creating change because they are hard to detect when compared directly against your outcome goal.

But they add up. They're nudging your proverbial health and fitness thermostat higher and higher. They are also allowing you to be better at the high impact actions that can nudge the thermostat 2-3º at a time like strength training to grow muscle or being in a consistent calorie deficit to lose fat.

The trick is…

Knowing what actions tick the thermostat up and up and in what areas to put your efforts.

The magic is…

Doing those most effective things with consistent effort over time.

If you’re not sure where to put your efforts then let’s talk. I offer free consultations via 30 minute virtual appointments every week. Please click HERE to book a call with me. There is no obligation to join a program and no sleazy sales tactics. I want to help, and it is my goal to provide you with the most value I can and earn your trust over time so that if you do ever need support, you’ll know if I’m your guy or not.

If you’re all zoomed out or just don’t like human interaction, then you can download my free nutrition guide, total body training program, habit tracker, and complete health and fitness guide below.


builtXyou™ 2 Week Free Trail


Watch out for this recovery trapdoor?