Avoid these pitfalls in your health and fitness

Deciding to change and improve your health and fitness can be scary and it’s easy to get stuck. Avoid these 4 traps when making an effort to change and imagining a different future for yourself.

1. Overthinking

I think I am overthinking how I’m thinking

Thinking is helpful, but doing is what leads to change. Start small by committing to learning a new skill like cooking, or making manageable changes to your existing routine (like waking up 15 minutes early to go for a walk).

2. Procrastination

Procrastination tends to come from either fear, or lack of urgency.

Fear; It’s easy to worry about “what if…” scenarios. What if I fail? What if I can’t keep up? What if it doesn’t work?

What if you try, and succeed, and change your life forever?!

The only thing that guarantees you’ll fail is not trying at all. Take some time to recognize your fears, unpack them, then take action by responding to them rather than reacting with them.

Urgency; You need a deadline to help define your actions and intentions. If you give yourself years to achieve something, chances are you'll never achieve it. You need something on the line. Setting a deadline for completion drives action.

3. Self-sufficiency

If you’re reluctant to ask for help, or to accept it when offered, you are falling into the self-sufficiency trap. Combat it by finding someone you trust and let them know that you would like to bounce ideas off of them. Conversation helps create structure and clarity. Then you can take action.

4. Searching for “right”

If you view decision making as either right or wrong, you’ll avoid experimentation that could lead to learning, growth, and fulfillment. Challenge this zero sum thinking and view mistakes as a necessary part of moving forward. Instead, search for the best answer for right now, and take action on it.

Want to avoid these pitfalls and achieve your health + fitness goals?

If you are a busy guy and you are ready to make a change in your health and fitness but don’t know where to start, then I am your guy. I help CEOs, execs, and industry pros take lose up to 20lbs of fat and gain up to 5lbs of muscle in 16 weeks or less by showing them how to take action in their highest impact areas of their health and fitness using the tried and tested systems in the builtXyou™ Transformation Program.

If you are interested and want to know more, reply to this email with the word “START” and I’ll give you all the information you need to know if the program is the right fit for you.

But hurry, spots are filling up fast for the January program launch, and once they are gone, I won’t be opening enrollment again until May 2022!

Thanks and speak soon!


The #1 reason people struggle to keep progress is…


What would it take to tip you over the edge of change?