What would it take to tip you over the edge of change?

2 questions for you;

  1. How bad would it need to get for you to make health and fitness changes?

  2. How good would the solution need to be to get you to make health and fitness changes?

Today I spoke to a guy who’s doctor gave him an ultimatum about his health. Last week, another said they are so exhausted they have no energy to watch their kids basketball practice. And a 3rd fella that aches from doing nothing, and who sits at his desk all day, wondering where his health went.

These aren’t scare tactics, it comes with my line of work. People often get close to breaking point before they decide to make a change.

I asked these guys, what the solution to their problem would need to look like to be confident that change would be worth it?

They all said they wanted certainty that they would achieve their desired results in as little time as possible with as little sacrifice as possible.


This is what we all want, and because I know this, I created the builtXyou™ Transformation Program to satisfy these needs.

You’ll drop up to 20lbs and gain up to 5lbs (results) in 16 weeks (time) using this simple and effective system (sacrifice) and if for some reason you don’t get those things, then I will work with you until you do (certainty).

Don’t let it get so bad that you hit breaking point.

If you want to be certain that you'll achieve your goals in a reasonable amount of time with focused effort then apply to builtxyou™ Transformation Program today and grab your spot in the January program kickoff.


Avoid these pitfalls in your health and fitness


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