10 lessons learned from 6 weeks of winter outdoor training

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1️⃣Gore-tex is an amazing material.
2️⃣I need less rest between sets than I think I do.
3️⃣Cold is a great motivator/expediter.
4️⃣Training for me is 3 parts mental health and 1 part physical health.
5️⃣I’m incredibly grateful for access to fitness equipment (and a squat rack with wheels).
7️⃣Foam rolling feels good when you do it inside on a cushy surface. But have found it’s not essential for my performance. I haven’t used a foam roller in 6 weeks and all the ailments I thought SMR was alleviating, don’t actually exist.
8️⃣You’ll re-rack a barbell more deliberately when your rack isn’t drilled into the ground.
9️⃣Gratefulness gets a second shout out because really, imagine not having access to something as conveniently as this. I can only assume that most of you reading this have some amount of privilege like I do. You can either access, afford, and are welcomed, to train/exercise. Imagine not having that?
🔟There is no bad weather. Only bad clothing choices.


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