Your body doesn’t care - Part II

Your body doesn’t give a shit when it comes to creating a calorie deficit.

Often times we think that we have to create the exact same calorie deficit every single day to be successful at fat loss when in actuality this just isn’t true or necessary.

Our time and efforts are often better spent creating a net calorie deficit, over say a week, than trying to hit an exact number every day.

This gives us room to be flexible and adapt to our environment and demands whilst still making progress towards our goals.

A deficit is essential for weight loss, and though we likely all have strategies that help us stick to the plan more often than not, being inflexible creates unnecessary stress in an already stressed environment (hunger).

Inflexibility is a often a primary reason why people struggle to maintain sustained effort towards a fitness goal.

When it comes to weight loss;

  • Abide by principles.

  • Simplify actions.

  • Be flexible.


Programming for fat loss - Part II


Food is more than fuel - Part II