Those who pay, pay attention.

All business is sales, so whether you ever buy anything from, or work with me or not, this tidbit will be helpful for life in general.

The phrase “those who pay, pay attention” is something that has stuck with me from my time at university. We discussed services vs products in a class and the concept of value came into focus.

People value what they pay for and will maximize a service or product if they paid for it, more than if it was free.

Think back to a time you received a free gift (maybe my free e-book or training program download a few weeks back for example). Note how, because you didn’t part with your hard-earned cash for it, you likely didn’t use it, no matter how useful it was.


Click HERE to get your copies for free


Confession; in January a friend gave me their log-in to an online course I was interested in. Enrollment was $2300. I flagged their email as important and never went past the first lecture in the course.

The builtXyou Transformation Program isn't free either, and that's a good thing. When you pay to join you are going to use it to the fullest. And let me tell you, if you use this program as intended, you’re guaranteed to get incredible results.

Want a taste of the quality you can expect from the builtXyou Transformation Program? You can download 3 FREE mini-guides and 1 FREE training program HERE.

But if you go there, excitedly download them all, and don’t use them within a few days, then I expect to see you back HERE applying to join the program. Why? Because you’re interested and you need to invest something to fulfill your potential.

Enrollment closes January 9th and I have a few spots left. Time is of the essence, people. See you on the inside.



Fail and be ok with it


The 3 rings of impact