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Best time < Right time

Waiting until the best time to start is big mistake most guys make

One of the biggest hold up’s guys have before they join builtxyou is the idea that “now isn’t the best time”.

We get it, it’s likely that we could all think of a window of time when it’s best to go on vacation, best to start a new job, best to ask for a raise, or best to buy a new car. This framework serves us well in many walks of life but it doesn’t serve us in our pursuit of health and fitness and here’s why…

Health and fitness, unlike the things listed above, isn’t a 1 off thing. It isn’t a project that is completed or a purchase that is made, it’s an ongoing effort from now until forever.

Waiting until the best time sets the tone that we are only willing to work on our health and fitness when we aren’t busy, when we have more free time, when we have extra cash, and when things aren’t stressful.

If you don’t want to work out right now because you’re too busy, then the assumption is that in order for you to work out, you have to not be busy. Which means, when you get busy again you’ll stop working out. And because you know you’ll always get busy, you set a trap for yourself over and over.

Which is what happens 99/100 for every guy before they join builtXyou.

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t advise doing your first workout the day you are expecting to have a baby for example (real life builtXyou scenario), that isn’t the best timing…and yet, once the kid is born…there isn’t gonna be a best time either.

Accept busyness

You’re always going to be busy, feel stretched, and have time, money, and effort commitments to account for. Add your health and fitness to that list.

Waiting until you’re not busy robs you of your chance to overcome challenges, which is where progress comes from. Nobody gets better at anything without increasing the difficulty of the challenge. Whether it’s getting to the gym or the effort you give when you’re there.

The biggest and most consistent challenges for guys come in the form of finding time to train in a busy schedule, of finding more nutritious food options on the road, of limiting alcohol consumption during wedding season, the challenge of 👉 (insert your obstacles here) 👈.

I’m not naively saying there isn’t a preferable time to train. I am however confidently saying that the best time you hope for isn’t coming. 

The right time to work on your health and fitness is now 📆

We have limited monthly coaching spaces in our programs at builtXyou to ensure we give every guy the support, guidance, and attention they come to us for. If you know you need the support of an expert coach with a decade of experience coaching busy guys to get incredible health, fitness, and physique results so that you can live the life you want in a body you are confident in and proud of, then click the button below to apply today.