There are no must do exercises.

No exercises are mandatory. We are always looking for ways to move the joints and stress the targeted muscles for adaptation. We could target the quads with squats, leg presses, split squats, step ups, lunges, leg extensions for example. If you’re a powerlifter and need to back squat for competition then sure, you need to practice back squatting.

But, if you’re training to move better, feel better, get stronger, be more resilient, have more energy, recover an injury, or pretty much most other general population none performance goals IT DOESN'T MATTER. You don’t need to squat through pain, run for fat loss even though you hate it, do sprints for abs, do straight bar deadlifts for strength etc etc.

Find exercises that consider goal, stimulus, accessibility, and preference and you’ll be on the right track.

If you’re interested in getting more help with stuff that could work better for you than that boiler plate shit you found online, the celebrity touts, or the jock prescribes drop me an email here and we can chat.


Food is not just fuel


Hunger ≠ Appetite