Hunger ≠ Appetite

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Simplified fat loss coming straight at you in this article today as this concept is a crude simplification of fat loss and might actually be of help to you.

Here goes; I know there is so much smoke and mirrors, lotions and potions, hacks and quacks in this realm that cutting through the jargon and nonsense might actually be helpful. Though I am obviously aware that there are more facets to fat loss than purely biological adaptations.

In this case I m talking primarily about appetite management and caloric deficit.

Hunger and appetite can be thought of as two sides of the same coin. Though they’re definitely not the same.

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  • Hunger is our biological need to eat for survival.

  • Appetite it’s is our desire to eat for satisfaction.

Hunger then is an almost inevitable part of being in a calorie deficit as our bodies need more food to support our activity more easily. Appetite satisfaction (satiety or fullness) CAN be met without eating to match hunger needs.

A simplified way to think of this is to eat based on volume with the goal being to eat the greatest volume of food for the fewest calories, driving satiety without caloric surplus.

Fruit, vegetables, low calorie alternatives (sugar free, fat free, low cal, lite breads, spreads, and condiments) can all drive high satisfaction without tipping the calorie scales. This ultimately makes a caloric deficit needed for fat loss more sustainable long term.

Remember this is just a method. It’s not the be all end all and it might not be for you. Customizing strategies to your needs, environment, and preferences is key to long term success and sustainability.


There are no must do exercises.


“Eating the same thing all the time isn’t sustainable”