Programming for fat loss - Part I

Here is Part I in a series of posts on how to build a training program for fat loss. Download your free sample copy of the program here.

Perhaps you’ve thought about how this differs from other training programs in the past? Or, perhaps you are one of the many who end up following a random workout regimen only to end up beat up and hating it after week 1?

In this first video, we will look at a needs analysis to determine what methods might best fit the individual need of the trainee, their goals, and their limitations too.

I discuss where to start our sets, reps, and loads (minimum effective volume) and why, and then how far to progress these metrics in a 3-4 week cycle to make progress (maximum adaptive volume).

Rest days are organized in a way that works best for me rather than following an arbitrary structure. I discuss why I do this and the many benefits of having flexibility in your rest day structure.

Finally, I’ll discuss the training methods such as straight sets, supersets, metabolite accumulation, and density sets that I use to get the best possible stimulus for my efforts with as little fatigue as possible

Watch the video in this article to see what you need to consider when selecting, writing, shopping for, or following a training program if your goal is fat loss.

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Fitness isn’t magic - please read that again.


Fat loss = muscle maintenance