Practical information on training, nutrition, habits, and mindset to help you transform your body and take charge of your health and fitness for life.
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Should you change your plan or just manage your emotions?
Should you change your plan or just manage your emotions? Guys often fixate on the action of change rather than sticking with the plan and managing their emotional discomfort. Here is what we advise instead…
The benefits of yo yo dieting
I don’t buy the narrative of yoyo dieting as I feel it encourages guys to avoid failure, which limits their number of tries. If you follow a way of eating, gain weight and lose weight, feel frustrated that you couldn’t maintain the loss, then it is not the diet. The diet doesn’t have any morality (mostly), it’s our interpretation of the story.
The Sustainability Fallacy
There is an ideal intersection between sustainable and motivating that may be different for every guy as what is sustainable might not be motivating and vice versa.