“Just tell me what to eat”

Why knowing what to eat isn’t the problem, how we can shift the narrative to being in charge of our own nutrition story, and some things we can do right now that have a significant impact.

Chances are high, that at some point on your quest for improved health you’ve said “I just wish someone would tell me exactly what to eat and I’ll do it”

(*pauses for the mental recall, recognition, agreement…and we’re back*).

I reckon I’ve heard it 100+ times in my lifetime, not just in my career as a nutrition coach.

People often think that it’s the “what” that is holding them back from their nutritional Graceland when in actual fact, I’ll put good money on a bet that says the majority of people reading this know exactly what to eat for greater health.

Recall a scenario I’ve mentioned before;

  • If I gave you $50 and sent you into the supermarket with the instruction to “come back with the most nutritious items you can” I know what you’d bring back. I know you’d bring back a bag overflowing with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins/eggs, and the like. I know you would, you know you would, hell everybody bloody knows they would.

“What” is not the scapegoat it is made out to be.

So what is holding people back?

Well, I’m glad you (I) asked,

It’s that we ignore all the other lifestyle variables that interplay with one another every day. The who, when, where, why, and how that create our trickiest situations.

  • The lack of time in the morning

  • The high-pressure job

  • The afterschool kid’s program

  • The self-study university course

  • The entertainment of clients

  • The friends birthday party

  • The last-minute leadership meeting

  • The low fuel light in the car

  • The need for a vacation

  • The rescheduled appointment with the contractor

  • And the pressure from the mother-in-law to “have a kid already”.

Ignoring all those variables to lean/prey on “I don’t know what to eat” is why fitness charlatans and daytime TV doctors drive Lamborghinis.

What/what not to eat changes like the wind because it’s general and can easily apply to everyone. It sounds like magic because it fits the narrative of “of course, how could I have been so blind all this time, it’s the eggs/bread/red meat that has been making me fat”.

You won’t see/hear Jamba-Juice Jill or Doctor Dimples engaging in conversations with individuals about what combination of lifestyle variables they find most challenging because it’s too vast and it’s about as marketable as a chocolate teapot.

Things that address individual variables/obstacles need to be more well thought through than broad strokes rhetoric (eg. “just don’t eat carbs”), and general rules of thumb need to be explained as part of the answer, not the whole fucking thing.

Below are some simple (not magic) things that we can all do now that are actionable, don’t paint with a judgemental brush, and can have a significant impact on our mental, physical, and overall health.

5 things you can do starting today that have a positive impact on your health:

  1. Eat 1 more piece of fruit/veg today.

  2. Get 15-30 minutes more sleep tonight.

  3. Add 10-15% more steps/movement today.

  4. Ask someone how they’re doing and expect an answer.

  5. Close your eyes and take 10 box breaths (3 in, 3 hold, 3 out, 3 wait).

If you found this article helpful, please forward/share it with your people.



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