If tracking progress doesn’t actually lead you to progress, try this…

Calories do always count, BUT you don’t always have to count them to be successful. 

This is not some magic “trick your body” bullshit. Save that for Jillian Michaels and co. 

Instead, I’m talking about processes of improvement rather than the outcomes. The outcomes are the things that show if the scale has tipped, but the processes are the actual actions we take to tip it.

Additionally, focusing entirely on an outcome can be exhausting and frustrating. I posted a little while back about making sure we are doing the right things before we do more of them.

Well the “right thing” if you’re looking to lose weight is going to include things like;

  • Fruit and vegetables

  • Satiety

  • Mindfulness

  • Control/involvement

  • Self-assessment

Counting calories is a great strategy providing it works for you. If however, you find calorie counting a high friction task that is time-consuming, hard to maintain, and generally frustrating…then consider tracking processes like the ones in the above checklist rather than outcomes like the weight on the scale or numbers in Myfitnesspal.



The perfect meal structure that you haven’t heard of before


Bread from the bag