Adherence Part 3; Intention

6 part Adherence series to help busy guys make lasting physique, health, and fitness changes.

Now you have clear, internally driven and personally relevant reasons to change and adhere to your plan lets talk about part 3. Intention.

  1. Inspiration

  2. Motivation

  3. Intention

  4. Discipline

  5. Habit

  6. Passion

3. Intention

Simply, intention is the plan you’ll follow to get from where you are today, to your goals.

No amount of inspiration and motivation will get you to your goals if you don’t have a clear and specific plan to follow.

Unfortunately, this is almost always the first bottleneck most guys meet in their efforts.

About 3 weeks into a fitness initiative inspiration is long gone and motivation wanes for the first time. Without knowing the next step you need to take to stay the curse, motivation has nothing to cling to.

This leads to skipping 1 or 2 trips to the gym (it’s not training if you’re just doing random stuff each time you go FYI). Then diet follows suit, and the farther away from routine we get the harder it becomes to adhere.

The incredibly good news is that proven training programs, tailored to your needs, goals, and preferences are available from builtxyou.

We build and customize your training programs with you and your goals in mind so that you can be 100% clear about what steps you need to take to make progress day by day, week by week, and month by month.

Think of the plan as the timber frame of a brand new house. Without it, laying bricks, running electrical wire, and installing plumbing is all but impossible. You need a framework to populate with your motives and actions.

A plan helps keep you focused when you are motivated and accountable when you aren't.

Don’t let lack of a clear and specific plan be the reason you don’t make progress in getting the physique, health, and fitness you desire.

See which of the builtXyou programs is best for you HERE.


Adherence Part 4; Discipline


Adherence Part 2; Motivation