Adherence Part 2; Motivation

6 part Adherence series to help busy guys make lasting physique, health, and fitness changes.

Last time we talked about inspiration and how it works to help us get going in our physique, health, and fitness efforts. If you missed it, check it out HERE. Today, we will cover motivation.

  1. Inspiration

  2. Motivation

  3. Intention

  4. Discipline

  5. Habit

  6. Passion

2. Motivation

Motivation is our reason for changing. We can be internally or externally motivated. Both are useful, but it is likely that in order to stick to a plan long term, developing a strong internal motivation to change is going to be more impactful.

  • External motivation example; I will lose 15 lbs because my doctor told me I needed to.

  • Internal motivation example; I will lose 15 lbs because I want to be a healthy role model for my kids.

Both of these motivations are reasonable and have the potential to encourage action, but the internal motivator of being a great role model for your children is likely more powerful than pleasing your doctor who you see for 15 mins per year.

We can layer external and internal motivation to make taking action more powerful. For example, you might buy yourself a new ski jacket to encourage you to lose 15 lbs so it fits great and you feel good (external reward) so that when you are on the slopes with your kids this winter vacation you can keep up with them and have a great time (internal reward).

Take some time to answer the following 3 questions to help frame out your internal motivations;

  1. What does achieving your goals allow you to do in the future that you can’t/don’t do now?

  2. What is the biggest difference you will feel about yourself when you achieve your goals?

  3. What will the future look like if you don’t adhere to your plan and achieve your goals?

These questions can help you consider the past, present, and future and culminate in personally significant and internal reasons to change.

Motivation will wax and wane, even when you have internally compelling reasons for taking action, and when that happens, you’ll need intention to fall back on. We will discuss intention in part 3. 


Adherence Part 3; Intention


Adherence is the key to every busy guys success