Food has no morality

Thinking of foods as good/bad behaviors, winner/loser choices, clean/dirty, honest/cheating actions only serve to perpetuate extreme behaviors with food that aren’t necessary or helpful.

If you think you fall into the trap with your own thinking or even with your clients, I suggest trying a simple reframe that can help us see nutritional decisions as either efficient or inefficient.

This lens can help free us from guilt, shame, and judgment and instead allow us to take a 10,000-foot view of our behaviors and choices.

This space between action and emotion allows us to consider reason and reward, weighing our options without all the heavy negative feelings.

Instead try asking; “Is this an efficient decision, given my goals?” is far more manageable, flexible, and actionable than “I shouldn’t but It’s ok if I’m bad just once”.

If this sounds like something you would like some more help with, click here to shoot me an email and we can chat on the phone/email/zoom/smoke signals/carrier pigeon…it’s up to you really.


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Programming for fat loss - Part II