Busy guys need this type of motivation

To be successful in your health efforts you need internal or intrinsic motivation. If you don’t have clear and powerful internal reason, you are more likely to struggle to progress and be consistent.

We know how easy it can be to take on the pressures and expectations of others. This can help inspire us into action, but inspiration isn’t strong enough to help us stay focused long term.

To stay focused for the long term, we need internal (intrinsic) motivation.

Internal motivation is the purpose you anchor your actions to even when you don’t feel like doing them. For example;

  • Your doctor might say “you could stand to lose some weight”.

  • A friend might suggest that you “should try this diet”.

  • Your partner might tell you that “you need to get healthier”.

These are all well meaning statements, but they aren't enough to invoke action for most of us as they are external (extrinsic) motivators.

Instead, we need our own internal reason for taking action in our health and fitness. When we have this it becomes 100x easier to do the workouts, eat the salads, and skip the next round of beers because you…

  • want to be able to ski, sail, and climb when you are retired at 60.

  • want to be able to play hockey with your kids next winter.

  • want to feel more confident in how your body looks and performs.

These are examples of internal motivation. Even though some might be centered around supporting others, you have an internally driven reason you want to get, be, and stay fit and healthy.

In short, you have to have your own reason for getting fitter, leaner, and healthier as others wanting you to change won’t be enough to sustain your efforts long enough to reach your goals.

What is your internal motivation to work on your physique, health, and fitness?

Answer this question clearly and honestly and you’ll be more motivated to take action than you ever have before.

If you’re not sure where to start or what your internal motivation is, we get it. This is very common and we can help you get clarity so you can start taking action and getting the results you want.

Complete our coaching application (which in this case doubles as an internal motivation framework) and we’ll be able to help you get the clarity you need to know what steps to take and what to do next.


PS. If you found this helpful, you’ll love our free 10 Rules To Build Your Best Body Guide which you can download for free below.


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