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Your Free 3 Day Total Body Strength Program

I’ll keep this short and sweet so you can get to the juicy stuff asap.

There are countless programs on the internet for free. The drawback with them is that they all tend to compete with one another on one thing…complexity.

Coaches think that if what they build is radically different then people will think they are somehow better than everyone else. But only if different is what people are looking for.

Fact; I could pay my mum to come up with different shit for you to do everyday in the gym…I wouldn't recommend it though.

What makes programs work can be boiled down to 3 key components;

  1. Specificity - if you want to get stronger biceps, you’ll have to train your biceps. Seems simple enough to follow.

  2. Overload - if you want to improve, you’ll have to stress your system. A little more work via more reps, sets, weight etc. will provide the stress necessary to adapt. And voila, progress is made.

  3. Finally, the linchpin - Consistent effort over time (so I guess that's 3 in 1 really).

These are the 3 components all programs need to have to actually work. The first 2 I am giving to you this free, Total Body Strength, 3 day program. The third you’ll have to bring yourself (if you see other programs promising you won’t have to give any effort, then I suggest marking that email as spam/junk), but since you are here reading this, my guess is you are motivated and interested enough to give it a go or to at least download it.

The juicy stuff

The program is brilliantly simple.

  • You’ll perform the same warm-up each day to prepare you for the upcoming challenge without having to think too much about anything.

  • You’ll choose 2 exercises to perform 2 supersets of (performed back to back) in a variety of combinations throughout the week.

  • You have the choice to progress via increased load, reps, sets, performing the same amount of work in less time, or more work in the same time with the goal of amassing more total work each week.

  • The only rule is that whichever variable you decide to change stick with for all 4 weeks.

  • There is a flexible drop down menu of foundational exercises with variety built in with preference, space, and equipment needs in mind.

And that’s it.

You can download it for free HERE and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me HERE or DM me here.

See this form in the original post