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Values - the key to maintaining results long-term.

People are doing a much better job at understanding the idea of processes achieving outcomes. For example;

Outcome = lose 30lbs

Processes = 10k steps per day, vegetables at every meal, 3x weekly strength training, 8 hours sleep per night, etc.

I talk about this a lot in my coaching as it goes a long way to helping people achieve their goals by practicing high-impact habits and actions, rather than simply fixating on the goal itself.

If I was to go a level deeper, however, it would be to discuss values. Values are the 10,000-foot view and are key to maintaining results long-term.

When helping people discover their values, I ask this question combo;

  1. What does achieving X give you? (I would estimate that 8/10 times the answer is “more confidence”.)

  2. What does a life with “increased confidence” allow you to do in the future that you can’t do now?

This second question stops people in their tracks (which is what it is designed to do).

Perhaps it’s setting boundaries with friends, or saying no to a project at work. Or maybe it’s taking risks in a relationship, or standing by a good idea in a meeting. Confidence is the value that this person wants to live by and these actions are how they show that.

Eating more vegetables (process) won’t help them set boundaries with friends and losing 30lbs (outcome) won’t help them get their idea heard. But building more confidence through these processes and outcomes will help them act in line with their values. It becomes easier to see a value’s key to long-term maintenance of results when we look at it this way.

What's the lesson for you?

When working towards a goal, ask yourself;

  1. What does achieving this goal give me more of?

  2. What can I do in the future with more of this thing that I can’t do now?