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The 3 rings of impact

If you have designs on improved health and fitness there are a few areas where you can make significant gains. These areas however, aren’t cool, glamorous, or even interesting to most.

You can make them more interesting by gamifying them, doing them with a friend, trying a twist on a classic, or similar. And yet, at the end of the day, simple or not, exciting or not, the most impactful things are usually difficult drawn out affairs.

If your back hurts, manage your stress, move more frequently, get stronger, and see your doctor. The answer isn’t in the outer ring.

If your sleep is all over the place, manage your stress, move more frequently, get stronger, and design your environment. The answer isn’t in the outer ring.

If you're struggling with your weight, improve nutrition, move more frequently, and design your environment. The answer isn’t in the outer ring.

If you're struggling with your health, manage your stress, get enough sleep, move more frequently, and improve your nutrition. The answer isn’t in the outer ring.

If you’re still here. I’m not saying this to be a dick, and there very well be a need to seek the support and guidance of your doctor, which you should definitely be doing.

I’m saying this because when we need to make change, it’s helpful to see the full picture. I’m also not saying I have all the answers. What I do have is a decade of coaching experience working with people who are busy, strapped for time, and looking for the answer to their health and fitness questions often in the easiest places (the outer ring) rather than the simplest places (the middle ring).

The thing they always have however, is the consistent effort, just in the wrong area.

They always have the effort and consistency to keep on coming back to square one and starting again. Imagine how successful they’d be if they had the consistent effort to keep going in the areas that actually have impact?

Ready to get results?

If you’ve been spending your time in the outer ring not knowing where to put your efforts or how to build health and fitness in to your life and achieve your goals, then I have good news for you.

I have 3 remote coaching spots opening up this month. As part of our work together, we’ll have launch call to make sure we know exactly what you need and want to make progress, daily communication via your training app, and monthly check-ins and progress reports.

If you have effort to give and want guidance and support on where to put it, click the button below to apply for coaching.