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Self-confidence is defined by this

Self confidence comes down to whether we do what we say we are going to do.

If you had a friend that was always late or standing you up, you'd eventually stop trusting them. You'd come to believe that they don't value you.

And yet...

Every time we hit the snooze button and skip the gym, repeat the same inefficient food choice over and over, or renege on our goals for a more convenient option, that's the relationship we build with ourselves.

We’ve found the most successful guys in our programs build and earn trust in themselves by following through on their training, diet, and physique pursuits.

You’re not alone

There is nobody reading this who hasn’t chosen to stay comfy in bed and skip leg day, who hasn’t grabbed a cookie or 5 instead of an apple, and who hasn’t said “I’ll start tomorrow” when pushing off their goals.

But there are many of you who have stopped that cycle now, and there will be many of you reading this who haven’t yet.

We all want success

We all want success. For our efforts to pay off and to achieve our goals. Those of us who will get there will be the ones who do the things we said we would, when it’s inconvenient, uncomfortable, and undesirable.

That’s how we build trust, confidence, and progress for ourselves.

A favorite quote from Alex Hormozi encapsulates this perfectly

Are you ready to start building your self trust?

It’s easier to take action when you have a clear plan, a realistic goal, and an experienced support network.

At builtXyou we’ve been supporting busy guys for over a decade to achieve transformational health, fitness, and physique results by building custom training and diet plans to match their needs, goals, and preferences

Ready to be the man you said you were going to be? Click below and apply.