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Programming for fat loss - Part II

Hey there! Thanks for coming back for the second installment of programming (specifically for hypertrophy) during a fat loss phase/diet.

In this video, I discuss how certain training variables are manipulated to elicit the best response whilst avoiding overtraining and extreme fatigue accumulation.

Ultimately, the big takeaways discussed here are why it is important to know how you, as the individual, respond to increases in load/intensity (weight on the bar) and volume (total sets/reps completed). So many people I work with have in the past jumped into a program they saw on the internet, without considering how they respond to the type of work being asked of them (the easy example here is people jumping from boot camp classes and HITT workouts over to Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 or Dr. Pat Davidsons “MASS” programs.

The hard swing from volume to intensity isn’t necessary for results and more often than not leads to huge fatigue costs being paid and the programs never being completed…yes…starting a program…beating yourself up for 2 weeks, then deciding that the next 10 weeks aren’t worth it.

I guess actually, I am fine with that AS LONG as we learn from it. If we keep diving headfirst in the proverbial shallow end of programs, we will forever come out concussed and beat up.

It makes sense to tailor training approaches from a platform of specific needs (see part I in this series on the importance of a thorough needs analysis), and then learning from our training experiences.

If this rings alarm bells in your head “alas, I am not alone in continuously falling into the trap of hopping from program to program rationalizing my decision with the idea that it’s good to keep the body guessing”, then this video is for you.

To download a free sample of day 2 of my program from block 1 of my current fat loss phase, click here.

