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In our world, image matters.

Image is important, and whether moral or not, the way we look tells a short story that can dictate whether people read on or not.

It is widely accepted that sight is the strongest human sense. This means that humans rely on image to build the majority of their initial opinion of something/one. Whether conscious or not, we are hardwired to use what we see as an initial benchmark.

This might be tough to read, but when you see someone that appears unhealthy, your brain starts to build a narrative about why.

Perhaps some of those reasons are correct and I'll bet many are not. Either way, it happens. In a world where image matters, it helps to take actions that positively influence our image whilst staying in line with our values and health.

How to build your image

If I’ve spoken about this once I’ve spoken about it a thousand times. Focusing on our actions more than our desired outcomes allows us to move toward our goal whilst creating a positive image.

I spoke to a builtXyou™ guy the other day who said how good it felt for his team to see him turn down another round of drinks at dinner, and then meet them in the elevator the morning after on the way back from the gym as they were coming down for breakfast.

Another bXyou guy building his image

By focusing on actions that align with his goals and values (improve health and gain credibility) he is also building his ideal image. At the end of it all, he’ll look the part too. He’ll be fitter, stronger, leaner, more energetic, and have a boat load of self-esteem from achieving his goals.

Notice how I am saying "image", not "appearance".

I’m not telling anyone to focus solely on their appearance. In fact, I’m saying the opposite. Image matters, but what matters more for our long term success, is actions that align with our values (and what we tell people we value). This is the epitome of "talking the talk and walking the walk".

This guys team appreciates him for doing a great job. They value that he says no to some things, so that he can say yes to more important things. He is modeling positive behaviors and valuable attributes to his team, leading by example. This is his image.

When I owned a gym, I made sure our staff and members saw me doing the things I expected of them/asked them to do. This built up enormous personal capital for me, and it kept me fit and healthy too. Wins all around.

Ready to walk the walk?

Enrollment closes in soon for the builtXyou™ Transformation Program. If you’re serious, and ready to go all in, click HERE to apply and get started.

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The expectations we have for ourselves are largely determined by our self-image. The opinion you have of yourself impacts your expectations and thus your chances for success in ventures of all sorts. Every time you do something you say you will (like walk 10k steps per day or hit a new bench press PR) you strengthen your self-image which you take with you into everything you do.