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“If you want what you’ve never had, you need do what you’ve never done”.

…or something like that.

Copy and paste the above sentence into google and you’ll get billions of results within milliseconds of pithy motivational quotes over epic backdrops misattributed to Einstein or similar. Chances are you’ve already seen this quote on your slightly whacky Aunt’s facebook wall within the last 24 hours even.

So is it true? Is it actually necessary to do something completely different to get the results you desire?


It’s hard to say for sure, because I don’t know what you’ve been doing. Perhaps you are already doing a few things that are different from past you, but you haven't seen the results just yet. Or perhaps you are in fact misleading yourself expecting results from misplaced efforts, if effort is being made at all.

The 2 similarities between everyone I work with in my training and nutrition coaching programs boils down to;

  1. Prioritization

  2. Consistency

Prioritization of their health is something that they have all done before. Yet when I first speak to new clients, it’s clear that health and fitness actions have fallen behind about 3-5 other things in their day to day.

If you want to make progress, it’ll take some difficult readjusting of priorities. I don’t have kids, I have a flexible schedule, and work from home. Perhaps you don’t, and so hearing me say this makes you quietly exhale the words “fuck you Weedall” and hovering over the X in the corner of the page. Before you go however, I ask that you consider if there is ever going to be a time in the future when you don’t have multiple important aspects of your life, and if your health and fitness is ever going to naturally move to the top of the priorities list, or not be an issue at all?

The most successful clients I have ever worked with have worked to shuffle, practice, and reevaluate their priorities to move their health and fitness up to the top of the list. Funny thing is, they perform all their other responsibilities better when they move, think, feel, perform, and look better from prioritizing our work together.

Consistently doing the stuff with the highest impact, and with considerable effort day in and day out is the hybrid engine that gets people moving quickly, efficiently, and for the long haul. Making peace with the fact that they will need to eat a nutritious diet most days for the rest of their life, and finding a way to balance it harmoniously with a life they enjoy is a key mindset for those most successful.

Accepting that they will have to make sure they get their workouts in and their step counts over the line each day for the rest of their lives is freeing thought once they get there.

By now you might be thinking “if it’s this simple why do people need you Jay?” Well, great (if not a little hurtful) question.

Because chances are, if you weren't reading this, you wouldn't feel or think about it on your own. As I previously mentioned, you likely have more variable responsibilities than me (kids, commute, family, boss) which makes you primed for needing to see this message, and makes me primed for delivering it.

I’ve been studying, developing, delivering, and holding people accountable to this message amongst others for over a decade as a successful coach and personal trainer. 

If you read this and it flipped a switch in your head, then great! If it turned the dimmer a little and now the light is flickering (I don’t know where I am going with this analogy) but you need a stronger current to illuminate your next steps (phew saved it) then you’re in luck. I am launching a 16 week transformation program called builtXyou™ starting Monday January 9th. That's 14 weeks away, so you’ve got time to think about it. If you’re interested and want to stay up to date with this program offerings, early bird discounts, and what’s included, you can join the mailing list below.

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If you have any questions about how to get started in the meantime, I have some amazing free resources on training, nutrition, and habits HERE, over 100 articles HERE, and an instagram full of content HERE.
