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Fitness isn’t magic - please read that again.

If it sounds too good to be true…
Get “ripped quick programs” are someone else’s way of getting rich off consumers. They pass on some tips that seem reasonable, packaged with some nonsense about metabolic reverse cryptocurrency genesis, and wrap it up with a shirtless person to make it seem legit.
It’s not. The laws of thermodynamics work the same for EVERYONE. The keys to losing body fat are the same for EVERYONE.
Caloric deficit (suitable energy demands)
Macronutrient balance (protein spares muscle loss)
Nutrient timing (drives satiety for appetite management and optimizes protein synthesis to spare muscle loss).

Let’s stop lining the pockets $79.95 at a time of people promising results without;
Abiding by the scientific principles
Without highlighting that it takes consistent effort over time to make physiological changes.
This post was brought to you by a person who wakes up in the night dreaming about fat loss word play 🤣