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Food is more than fuel - Part II

So you think “food is fuel”?

The simple fact that I’d estimate 50% of all Instagram posts are sexy pictures of food should debunk this narrative. I see really good coaches saying that “food is more than fuel” and that it’s community, culture, fun, family, love, security, and celebration. But personally, I’m a bit numb to that line at this point (so I’d imagine some others are too).

So can we elaborate a little? I’ll use my versions of these states to try and cast some light in the hope that others can put their own lenses on these statements too.

  • When I was 20, I lived with my 2 best mates, and every Saturday after playing football we’d sit and watch sky sports with a running supply of tea and Cadbury’s. I get incredibly homesick for these things and they’re tied to people, places, emotions, and security. @tbreezy198 @mykeyroo

  • When it’s grey and rainy in Boston, my brain thinks “fish and chips”. I’m transported to a feeling of being at home in England and wanting that familiarity of taste, feelings, and friends.

  • My sister-in-law made my niece and nephew’s cheese and ham toasties when we were on holiday together. Now when I see/smell/think about croissants, I think of playing in the pool with the kids and having a great time in the sun with my family (and grabbing bites of these things). I genuinely smile just at the sight of buttery pastry because of this feeling (not the taste or the macro breakdown). @n_mills1984 @weedalltom

  • When Jen and I first met, we went to a diner and shared a piece of carrot cake so big it could chock the wheels of a jumbo jet. On our anniversary, we invariably get a slice (though it’s never the same) to celebrate and reminisce together. @komera_komera

  • When we were growing up, there were some times when there wouldn’t be much food in the house. Parents were divorced and understandably distracted so we’d scrounge food from where we could. Cheese on toast or ketchup sandwiches were the go to. We’d get a loaf of bread on clearance from ASDA for 10p and some cheese slices and that would do. Now as an adult, I buy in bulk the things I know I need as a result of wanting to have food security. @amieisobelle

Food IS fuel for the body AND it is also all the things above. The good news is that it can be both. As adults, we make decisions all the time. Choosing the types of food we eat is one such decision and one that has significant downstream effects.

If I ate these things all the time (let’s say daily), it would be a lot easier for me to negatively affect my overall health, (performance, mental/emotional state, sex drive, cognitive function, immune response). Deciding when to feel the things or do the stuff is something we as humans do ALL the time. Food is no different.

It IS fuel, AND it’s so many other things too. There is no good or bad, right or wrong. There are efficient and inefficient actions towards the goals you have right now.
