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Do you fall into this fitness category?

Do you fall into the less is more fitness category?

I just started working with a new 1-on-1 client. He’s recently retired, has always been active, and is bloody fit for a 60 year old fella! This maybe sounds like the opposite of why you’d imagine someone would hire me (most people assume that you need to be unfit to hire a coach/trainer). But he hired me for the same reason everyone else does. Results (which means different things to everyone.)

He’s spent his life building training into his lifestyle. He runs, he rows, he plays tennis, he hikes, he does daily yoga, his partner does all this too. He has all the frameworks to be successful.

If anything, he probably does too much.


But he does so much general activity that he spreads himself thin, making his ability to achieve a specific goal, limited.

I spend lots of time helping guys prioritize the simplest form of activity for their lives, because they need momentum and to build a base of fitness. Eventually, I help guys prioritize the most important actions for a more specific goal.

Super active clients ask things like;

  • Can I still ride the peloton for 90 minutes on training days?

  • Can I still do yoga before I do my strength workout?

  • Can I still have a few glasses of wine each night?

  • Can I still get my daily croissant for breakfast?

I’m not here to tell anyone how to live. I am here to help guys understand the most important and high impact actions for their goals. That usually means doing less of something.

If you want to get bigger and stronger, you need to lift heavy weights, and you can’t do that as well if you’re fatigued from 90 mins on the peloton. If you want to grow muscle, you might need to sit still when you want to go for a run so that you can recover optimally from your training and prepare for the next session. If you want to hit new PR’s on Saturday, then Friday night might be a quiet one when you want to go for a few drinks with friends.

What’s the lesson for you?

If you’re reading this as an active retired guy, or a stationary desk bound fella, the moral of the story is that if you want to achieve a specific outcome (gain muscle, lose fat, get fitter, set PR’s, live longer) there are efficient actions and there are inefficient actions. Whichever guy you are, you’ll need to do more of some things and less of other things to achieve your goals.


If you aren’t sure what to prioritize, then I want to help. Respond to this email with your number 1 goal, and I’ll respond with the 3-5 highest impact actions for you and your circumstances. Free of charge and within 24 hours. That’s it.


Before you go…

If you are a busy guy and you are ready to make a change in your health and fitness but don’t know where to start, then I am your guy. I help CEOs, execs, and industry pros lose up to 20lbs of fat and gain up to 5lbs of muscle in 16 weeks or less by showing them how to take action on the highest impact areas of their health and fitness using the tried and tested systems in the builtXyou™ Transformation Program.

Spots are filling up fast for the January program launch, and once they are gone, I won’t be opening enrollment again until May 2022! Click the button below to apply.